Simple Passive Circuit


This example applies the VSA procedure to the Passive Circuit shown below:

The transfer function from the input nodes to the output node is desired. You probably don’t need K9 Analysis to solve this problem. This example illustrates the procedure and some neat features.

Construct General Schematic

The circuit lacks input sources and a ground node.  Assume that the inputs are ideal voltage sources connected to ground.

The next step is to create a general schematic.  The resistors are replaced with Impedances and the component values will be dropped.

The circuit is now ready for SFG construction.

SFG Construction

The circuit requires nodes for the input voltage sources, V1 and V2, and circuit nodes V(i1), V(i2), and V(out).

V1 and V2 are inputs. The SFG just needs nodes for V1 and V2.

V(i1) and V(i2) are a voltage-controlled nodes.

V(i1) = V1        V(i2) = V2

In SFG form

V(i1) = 1 * V1            V(i2) =  1* V2


The SFG gets branches from V1 to V(i1)  and from V2 to V(i2) with gain equal to one.

The "out" node is a passive summing node. It receives signals from V(i1) and V(i2).  You could write a potential divider equations for V(out). We will use Brandy’s Gain Formula. The SFG gain is the Parallel Impedance of the destination node divided by the connecting Impedance.

Gain fro V(i1) to V(out) = ZPout / Z1

Gain fro V(i2) to V(out) = ZPout / Z2

ZPout = Z1 // Z2

The SFG is complete.

Check the SFG

V1 and V2 are inputs. They not have any incoming branches.

V(i1) and V(i2) are voltage-controlled nodes.

V(out) is a summing node. It has incoming branches with gain equal the parallel impedance of the destination node divided by the connecting impedance.

The SFG shows signal flow from both inputs to Vout.

Analyze the SFG

The SFG contains no loops. The determinant is hence equal to one.

D = 1

The circuit has two inputs.  We will use Superposition to find the contribution of each input. Superposition requires that you set the other inputs equal to zero. Voltage source inputs are replaced by a short.  The SFG does this for you automatically.  There is no need to consider a different circuit for each input. Multiple inputs are never a problem. You do need to remember that K9analysis assumes Superposition and automatically replaces other voltage inputs with a short.

For input V1 the SFG contains a single path from V1 to V(out) with gain equal to ZPout / Z1.

Gain from V1 to V(out) = V(out) / V1 = ZPout /Z1

The gain from V1 to V(out) with other inputs equal to zero is written as V(out) / V1.  In this case V2 has been replaced by a short.  This is was done automatically by the VSA procedure.

For input V2, the SFG contains a single path from V2 to V(out) with gain equal to ZPout / Z2.

Gain from V2 to V(out) = V(out) / V2 = ZPout / Z2

The V(out) formula is created by adding the contributions from each input.

V(out) = (V(out) / V1) * V1 + (V(out) / V2) * V2

V(out) = ZPout / Z1 * V1 + ZPout / Z2 * V2 


Check the answer

Opening Z1 should force V(out) to be equal to V2.  Setting Z1 to an infinite value makes the ZPout / Z1 term to zero and makes ZPout equal to Z2.  V(out) is equal to V2.

Shorting Z1 should force V(out) to be equal to V1.  With Z1 = 0, ZPout is equal to zero.  The ZPout / Z1 term is 0 / 0 . If you expand ZPout, the ambiguity is resolved to one.  V(out) is hence equal to V1.

You can repeat the above for Z2.

 Output Load

We did not consider the effect of an output load in the analysis.  Let’s add a load impedance Zl to the output.

We can repeat the above and arrive at the SFG shown below.

Note that the SFG has not changed.  The only difference is that ZPout = Z1 // Z2 // Zl .

If you use the VSA procedure to construct the SFG, adding an impedance to ground at a node does not change the SFG.  This feature is handy if you want to evaluate the effect of stray capacitance at a node.  Instead of complicating the analysis, just include the stray impedance term when calculating the ZP term.

For maximum utility, don’t expand ZP terms.  You can add ground impedances to the schematic without affecting the VSA created SFG. This may not be true if you use a different procedure.

This example illustrated how the VSA procedure handles superposition automatically and that ground impedances do not change the SFG. 


Signal Flow Graph

ZPout = Z1 // Z2 // Z3

V(out) = ZPout / Z1 * V1 + ZPout / Z2 * V2

The SFG has no loops, the path gains are the circuit gains. You need to add the contributions from each input to create the output equation.

This circuit with a non-ideal source is analyzed on the Passive Circuit with Non-Ideal Source page.

For a more difficult example, look at the Ladder example.



