General Summing Amplifier


The General Summing Amplifier is intended to be a generic single op-amp circuit. Many op-amp circuits are a subset of the General Summing Amplifier. The circuit has multiple inputs which are summed to create the output.


V(out) = Gp1*Vp1 + … + Gpn*Vpn – Gn1*Vn1 - … - Gnm*Vnm


Gpi is the gain from positive input i to V(out), and Gnj is the gain from negative input j to V(out). Each input is an ideal voltage source. Non-ideal sources can be accommodated by including the source impedance in the input impedance. The gain is the gain from the ideal source impedance.


This circuit forms an output which is the sum of gains times input voltages. It can implement any linear circuit.


On this page the circuit is analyzed for input to output gains.  The General Summing Amplifier schematic is shown below:



The circuit can have multiple inputs. The positive inputs, Vpx, connect via positive input impedances, Zpx, to the "+" op-amp input. The negative inputs, Vny, connect via negative input impedances, Zny, to the "-" op-amp input. The circuit needs at least one positive input. Any input may be ground. Zni may not be equal to zero. Zpi or Zf may be equal to zero.


Even with the above constraints, many op-amp circuits are a subset of the general summing amplifier.


Inverting amplifier

Non-Inverting Amplifier

Differential Amplifier



For example, an inverting amplifier would have a single positive input that is ground and a single negative input. A non-inverting amplifier has a single positive input and a single negative input that is connected to ground. A differential amplifier has a positive and a negative input. Summing circuits have multiple inputs. Since the feedback and input elements are impedances, integrators and differentiators are also subsets of the General Summing Circuit.


Legacy Analysis treats the subsets as separate circuits. In K9 Analysis, all of these circuits are a type of General Summing Amplifier.  On this page, we will use the K9 VSA procedure to get  the gain from the inputs to the op-amp output.


Construct Simulation Schematic


The first step in the VSA procedure is to construct a Simulation Schematic. We need inputs to stimulate the circuit, and a complete description. The above schematic complies with the Schematic rules for layout, but needs an op-amp model and node labels for the op-amp inputs.


The op-amp is modeled as a voltage controlled voltage source with gain equal to A. Except for gain, the op-amp is assumed to be ideal. The op-amp inputs need labels. The non-inverting op-amp input is labeled "+". The inverting op-amp input is labeled "-".

The simulation schematic is shown below:



SFG Construction


The next step is to create a SFG. The VSA procedure uses the voltage at circuit nodes for SFG variables. We want the SFG layout to match the schematic layout to retain the signal flow. The SFG nodes are shown below. 



The nodes are arranged to match the schematic.

The next step is to add the controlled source to the SFG. The E source forms the difference of the input voltages and amplifies the difference with gain A. In the SFG , dv is the difference voltage.


dv = (V+) – (V-)


The op-amp amplifies only the difference of the input voltages at the V+ and V- nodes. Any common mode component is rejected in this model. The differential input voltage is amplified to create Vout. The amplifier gain A can be any value.


Vout = A * dv



The dV node was added to implement the dv equation. Both dv and Vout are voltage controlled nodes. We simply added the defining equations to the SFG.


Vp1 to Vpn and Vn1 to Vnm are inputs. These are known values and no defining equations are needed.


V+ and V- need to be defined. Both are passive summing nodes. The node impedance and incoming signals are needed.


For V+, the parallel impedance is:


ZP+ = ZP1 // … // ZPn


V+ receives signals from the positive inputs. Brandy supplies the branch gains. Each branch gain is equal to ZP+ divided by the connecting impedance. The SFG with the V+ incoming branches is shown below:



The V- node is also a summing node. The negative inputs and the op-amp output connect to V-. The parallel impedance is:


ZP- = Zn1 // … // Znm // Zf


V- receives signals from the negative inputs, Vnm, and the output, Vout. The SFG contains an incoming branch for each input. Brandy supplies the branch gains.  The complete SFG is shown below:



SFG Check

The input nodes should not have incoming branches.

The summing nodes, V+ and V-, should have incoming branches with branch gains equal to the parallel impedance of the destination node divided by the branch impedance.

Vout is a voltage-controlled node.


The signal flow in the SFG matches the circuit schematic signal flow. There is a path from each input to the op-amp output. Positive inputs have a positive path gain, while negative inputs have a negative path gain. The SFG has a loop implying that path gains need a correction.


Analyze SFG

The SFG has a single loop. The loop contains the branches from V- to dv to Vout to V-.



The loop gain is:


L1 = - A * ZP-/Zf

The determinant D is:

D = 1 – L1 = 1 + A * ZP-/Zf


The D term is the denominator correction factor for path gains. As long as D is positive and does not become zero, the circuit is stable. The above D term contains only positive values. This is good. There is a catch. For many op-amps, the gain A has a 90° phase shift. If the ZP-/Zf term has another 90° phase shift, problems can arise. Look at the Stability page.


The SFG contains multiple inputs. Superposition is used to find the gain from a single input with the other inputs equal to zero. In Electronics you need to ground the un-used voltage inputs. K9 does this for you automatically. There is no need for another circuit. Mason’s Gain Formula assumes that you are using Superposition. The gain formula applies for the gain from a single input to an output with all other inputs equal to zero.


Positive Input


Let’s find the gain from positive input Vp1 to the output. The SFG has a single path from Vp1 to Vout.



The path is from Vp1 to V+, to dv, to Vout. The path gain is the product of the branch gains:


P(Vp1 -> Vout) = ZP+/Zp1 * 1 *A


The SFG contains a loop. The ∆ correction is needed. When we remove the path from the SFG, the resulting SFG has no loops. The numerator correction is hence equal to one. The gain from Vp1 to Vout is:


Gp1 = Vout/Vp1 = (A * ZP+/Zp1) / (1 + A * ZP-/Zf)


The above formula is the gain from Vp1 to Vout with all other inputs equal to zero. Superposition is implied in Mason’s Gain Formula . The K9 procedure does this automatically. The formula assumes that you have replaced all other voltage inputs with ground. You need to remember to do this when testing a real circuit.


In a similar manner, the gain from Vpn to Vout is:                                             


Gpn = Vout/Vpn = (A * ZP+/Zpn) / (1 + A * ZP-/Zf)


Whenever you see a Vout/Vpn term, reads this as the contribution to Vout from Vpn. The circuit can have additional inputs that contribute to the Vout value. K9 finds these one input at a time.


Negative Input


The gain for a negative input to the output can be obtained from the SFG in a similar manner. In this case the path goes thru V- rather than V+.


Input Vn1 has a single path from Vn1 to Vout.


The path gain is:


P(Vn1 -> Vout) = ZP-/Zn1 * -1 *A


The SFG contains a loop. The ∆ correction is needed. The path touches the loop, implying that a numerator correction is not needed. The gain from Vn1 to Vout is:


Gn1 = Vout/Vn1 = (-A * ZP-/Zn1) / (1 + A * ZP-/Zf)


In a similar manner, the gain from Vnm to Vout is:


Gnm = Vout/Vnm = (-A * ZP-/Znm) / (1 + A * ZP-/Zf) 


The Vout value can be found by adding all the input contributions.


V(out) = Gp1*Vp1 + … + Gpn*Vpn – Gn1*Vn1 - … - Gnm*Vnm


Check the Answer

The above equation include the op-amp gain, A. The ideal equations assume that the op-amp gain is infinite. The ideal positive gain is:


Gpn = Vout/Vpn = ( ZP+/Zpn) / ( ZP-/Zf)

Rearranging the term yields:


Gpn =Vout/Vpn = ( ZP+/ZP-) / ( Zf/Zpn)


The ideal positive gain is ZP+/ZP- times the Feedback Impedance, Zf, divided by the input impedance, Zpn.


The ideal negative gain is:


Gnm = Vout/Vnm = (- ZP-/Znm) / ( ZP-/Zf) = - Zf/Znm


The ideal negative gain is the Feedback impedance divided by the input impedance.


The ideal negative gain formula is the same as the Legacy negative gain formula. The positive gain formula appears to differ from the 1 + Rf/RI Legacy formula. With a single positive input, ZP+ is equal to Zpn. In the Legacy formula RI is a negative input resistor connected to ground.


ZP- = Rf // RI = Rf * RI / (Rf + RI)


The ZP- term can be expanded, as shown above, and substituted into the positive gain formula.


Gpn = Vout/Vpn = ( ZP+/Zpn) / ( ZP-/Zf) = 1 / (Rf * RI / (Rf + RI)) / RF


With a little algebra, the equation can be reduced.


Gpn = Vout/Vpn = 1 / (RI / (Rf + RI)) = (Rf + RI) / RI = 1 + Rf / RI


The positive gain formulas are the same. Note the difference in terminology. RI is actually a negative input resistor.




The gain formulas for the General Summing Amplifier were derived. The formulas contain a common Zf/Zi term and a fudge factor, p, that is equal to ZP+/ZP- for positive inputs and –1 for negative inputs.



Signal Flow Graph


The analysis used Brandy’s Gain Formula to construct the SFG. This resulted in a combined gain formula that is Plato’s Gain Formula.



K9 analysis provides an easy way to analyze op-amp circuits. Instead of analyzing a specific circuit, we chose a circuit that can represent many single op-amp circuits.


The General Summing Amplifier can be used to implement any Linear circuit using only a Single op-amp. The two op-amp solution used in Electronics is compared with this circuit on the Two Op-amp Circuit page.


The Legacy approach assumes that dv is equal to zero to simplify analysis. This creates separate formulas for inverting and non-inverting circuits. Other single op-amp circuits also have unique gain formulas. Leading to the conclusion that op-amp circuits are difficult. K9 attempts to dispute the conclusion.


In the analysis, ZP+ and ZP- are the node impedances at the op-amp inputs. K9 node impedances assume that there is no circuit interaction (loops) . The real circuit impedance is derived on the Op-amp input page.


In a future page, equations for the non-ideal op-amp parameter such as bias current, input offset voltage, and output impedance may be derived. Look for The Ultimate Op-amp Gain Formula.





